Like everybody else…

When I was young I had a book titled ‘A Prairie Boy’s Winter and Summer’ by William Kurelek. With large print, simple text and full-page illustrations it ran through a year in the life of someone — a boy, I guess — living on the Canadian prairies: snowfalls, skiing behind tractors, farm labour, summer baseball games, the danger of a threshing machine… 

Apple of My Eye


Then an eye viewing another eye, and looking at the most perfect part of it, the thing wherewith it sees, will thus see itself.


De Motu Amatorum

Translated from Latin, de Motu Amatorum would mean something like ‘on the movement of lovers.’ There’s a long list of scientific works that start with de Motu, including Aristotle on animals, Isaac Newton on anything in an orbit, and William Harvey on the heart.

This is not like these other works at all.